Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Bored Gifted Student

Samuel is 17 years old, he have short hair, and a pair of big round eyes. He is very quiet in class. He is academically gifted student. His Mother recalled feeling shocked a few years earlier when she received a call from the principal of her 8-year-old son’s school saying that the boy was failing arithmetic. How could this be happening, she thought. The boy had started kindergarten two years early because he was mature and generally academically gifted, with a special talent in mathematics.

When the professor spoke to her son’s teacher, she discovered that the boy was doing extremely well on his examinations, but wasn’t bothering to do the homework assignments, which he found boring. She solved the child’s (and the school’s) problem by using a two-pronged approach. She persuaded her son to do his homework to keep the school happy. She also hired a college student to teach him algebra so that he’d feel challenged instead of bored.

Although Samuel is gifted student but he find it difficult to used his ability in doing homework assigments. Futher more he struggles to understand his extra ordinary gift. Thus he could not do his homeworks, despite all the advices given.